On a Spring Day – February Free Choice

I’m not a very big ‘poetry’ writer, and I wouldn’t really classify this as ‘poetry’. However, this kind of just found its way out while I was listening to ‘Spring Day’ by BTSIt ended up being one of those things where you just write and you get something that you didn’t even knew existed in your mind. I highly recommend this song, but at the very least, enjoy!

Here is a link to the music video for the song if you would like to listen to it!

To: Babe <3

i miss you.
i’m sorry to say it’s true,
i know that youre gone
but i still wish you were here
i still love you
i still love your eyes,
how they held the entire universe
i miss them,
but i miss you more
i haven’t cried since you left
i haven’t done anything,
i’ve hardly lived.
i’ve only breathed.
why? why did you go?
do you remember the date?
i do.
april 12th, 11:33 pm.
im on my way, you wrote
okay , was my response
little do you know how much those words still hurt
its snowing
you always liked snow
it pains me not to be spending it with you
im sorry
for everything
i dont know why im still sending you messages
its been a year
i know that youre gone
im sorry
i miss you
how much longer will i hold onto you?
i dont think i could even answer it myself.
you used to look at me with such awe
i used to do the same thing with you
what happened to us?
its spring again
but it feels like winter
why does it always feel like winter without you?
i told myself that i should just try to forget you
so i wont feel the pain anymore.
my mind agreed.
my heart didnt
every time that i say i dont miss you anymore
i miss you even more
please come back
it was my fault
all of it was
im sorry
im so sorry
everything hurts
everything hurts but i cant feel a thing
i hate you
why do you still make me feel
i hate you
when i saw that crash, i knew i had died
i had died right along with you
please come back
i just want you to come back
you wouldnt have been there if i didnt ask you to come
its all my fault
i should have been the one in the drivers seat
i love you, so much
this number is no longer activated





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